Why overseas recruiter will prefer Recruitment from India once pandemic is over?

  • Due to Pandemic  there  has  been huge set back  in the  Global  Market  and  in  particular the Middle East sector, which has been the  huge market for  Oil & Gas, Petrochemical, Infrastructure  and  Tourism. Due to  lack  of  new projects and  withhold  of  ongoing projects,  Thousands of  workers  in-particular Blue collars ( skilled / semi-skilled)  returned to  their respective countries. Majority of Indian workers returned. Even the white collar employees, Managers and senior management staff also lost their jobs and were either stranded or returned back with their families.
  • The moment  the Pandemic  impact is  over / substantially reduces, there will be  a huge requirements of  workers  mainly in the Middle East,  Some of the European countries,  Singapore  etc.   At  that  moment, the immediate attention  of all  Major  Overseas  Company across the global will  be  Indian Market and the  availability of  Manpower  ( for both Blue collar and white collar) for immediate mobilization.  The main reasons to turn their  attention to  Indian workers will be
    1. Experienced personnel with Gulf / Overseas experience to run and manage the company’s operations / projects.
    2. Economically feasible in terms of fitting into the Company’s  budget.
    3. Getting the visas  for  Indian employees and their mobilization as per required time frame.