Location- Pune
Mandatory Educational Qualification:
Full Time Post Graduate – Personnel Management OR MBA (HR)
Experience: 5-18 Yrs
Job Profile:
To support Factory Head / Divisional Heads in smooth functioning and maintaining harmonious Industrial Relations to achieve Business Objectives, To lead the respective team effectively
- Drive and instill behavioral change towards safety at work place.
- Maintaining Harmonious Industrial Relations
- Grievance Handling
- Discipline Management
- Employee Engagement and Motivation
- Employee Communication
- Support to various Initiatives like Kaizen, Productivity Improvements etc
- General Welfare & Administration
- Legal / Liasioning
- Implementation of Policies
- Partnering in Strategic Decision Making
Key Competencies:-
- Communication & Presentation Skills
- Negotiations Skills
- Interpersonal Skills
- Man – Management Skills
- Labor Laws
- Change Management
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