Job Description:
- To design & develop programs
- To handle the debugging, unit testing, documentation and tech support
Skill sets:
- Java, JSPs, servlets, Beans, taglib, ANT, Tomcat
- Apache, MySQL, PHP
- Open Source tools such as Trac / Bugzilla, SVN / CVS, Eclipse / Netbeans
- Web technologies: HTML, XML, CSS, XSLT, AJAX, JSON, REST, Atom, RSS, Web Services
- MVC Frameworks such as struts, Spring
Apart from the above, exposure to at least one of the following technology areas is required:
- C/C++/VC++, MFC, ATL, ActiveX, COM, Windows Programming
- .Net, ASP.Net, C#, VB.Net,
- Usage, administration and programming on Linux
- Zend Framework / CakePHP
- Rapid web application development methodologies like Groovy, Grails, ORM, Hibernate
- Authentication frameworks like OAUTH, OpenID, SAML
- Working with social networking sites programmatically, e.g., GoogleApps, Facebook, Twitter, Google Maps
- LMS such as Moodle
- PKI, digital certificates, digital signatures
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