Manufacturing Sector
Manufacturing Sector can very broadly cover all Industries in various sectors like Automotive Steel Pharma, Textiles, Food Processing , static Equipments, Aerospace, Defense and many others. Each Sector calls for highly refined skills which are specific to that sector. MCC has been working with many of its clients like the Tata Group, and Siemens for recruiting Executives across various locations and plants in India & Overseas.
1) Sr Manager Maintenance
2) Head Industrial Relations (HR)
3) Head Finance
It has become a backbone of all Industrial growth and services sector. May it be products development or testing or offering IT Services manpower with specific domain knowledge becomes the key to success of the teams. Manav corporate consultants has worked with many MNCs and was instrumental in hiring for their new off shoring operations in India.
1) Lead Consultant SAP BASIS
2) JAVA Technical Lead (HR)
3) Sr Web Designer
4) Sr Software Engineer
Hiring the “Right “Person “First “time is a critical activity irrespective of size of organization. SMEs (Small & Medium size of Enterprises) have unique requirements and call for more multi-tasking profiles due to manpower hiring constraints. Moreover attracting good talent for SMEs is challenging as the trend is to be employed in corporate sector. Since inception in 2002, MCC has been working with many SMEs and has been a contributing factor to its SME clients in their growth towards being a corporate.
1)Marketing Manager
2)Sales Engineer
3)Head – Finance