Singapore Manpower Recruitment from India

Manpower from India

The pandemic ends and start of a new era: No it’s not over yet but we can surely say that lockdowns are under control. The world has seen the worst of its fears come true during the last two years and now things are slowly coming back to normalcy. The recruitment industry has undergone huge turmoil same as any travel and tourism sector and now the Employers have restarted the hiring process although from Singapore as been a positive movement in recruitment of Engineers, Technicians and Skilled labor from Jan 2022 onwards. Companies with sizeable requirements have started coming to India and conducting recruitment drives for their manpower needs.

Zoom, Skype, Google Meet Online Interview

With the increasing popularity of the video conferencing interview, Manav Corporate Consultants has also adopted the use of video conferencing interviews. This social, mobile and cloud technology has changed recruitment tremendously. This technique also allows interviewers to meet and interview many more candidates than those in normal face-to-face interviews.

Manav Corporate Consultants is a MEA registered recruitment consultancy based in India.  We have a strong reputation for service delivery. With a global reach, we work across the UAE, Qatar, Singapore, Malaysia, Kuwait, Saudi, etc. locating exceptional talent for some of the world’s leading organisations.  

India Worker Recruitment

With over 15 years in the recruitment industry, our areas of expertise include: Management, Staff and Blue collar for various sectors like Oil & Gas, Infrastructure, Hospitality, Healthcare etc.

If you are an Employer and wish to hire skilled workers, engineers and staffing from India do talk to us and our experienced team of professionals can be of assistance to fulfil your hiring needs. You can write us down at 
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