Any organization however large or small it may be struggles to get the right people once it gets a big project in hand. The reason is that its not always possible to shuffle its team members so as to fulfil all positions required to execute the new project and if the timelines and delivery commitments are very stringent then it becomes imperative that the company gets a new fresh team in place and ask them to run the project. This is where project manpower recruitment from India can prove to be a game-changer.
The project manpower manpower requirements can be at various levels and those can pose problems of different nature depending on many factors i.e. complexity of the project, duration of project, LD clauses and guarantees given, the top-line and the bottom-line contribution of the project to overall company figures etc. But basically, the manpower shortage issue can be broken down into three levels and each of them needs to be handled differently.
Leadership Positions

These are the most critical positions for any Project and the people who occupy these positions should be really capable and with a proven track record of performance on a similar project elsewhere or within the same organization. Another aspect is that they should have an excellent understanding of the clients and have a clear strategy on how they plan to deliver the goods and keep them happy thru the project lifecycle.
It goes without saying that any project doesn’t always go as planned and when the project team comes under fire or pressure due to some glitches or failures then it’s the leadership team that has to face the wrath of the client, manage the situation, figure out the solutions and put the entire team to work in the right direction till the client is happy with the progress. This needs years of experience and no education can substitute for practical hands-on experience in such situations.
Therefore the leadership roles usually go to the proven candidates and who can be scouted through references or who are already well-known in the Industry. There can be some options to choose second in command promising and relatively young candidates to be considered as leaders if they have shown promising results previously. This strategy can also help an organization to hone skills of its next-gen team and develop new leaders who are eager to prove themselves and who put in slightly more effort than someone who is a complacent veteran.
Senior and Middle Management

These roles are critical for day to day functioning of the complete project organization and they are the ones who are controlling and motivating feet on the ground. These managers are a vital link between the top rung leaders and the working hands who are sweating on the field day in and day out. Normally most of the Senior and middle managers are selected by the top leaders as per their confidence in these individuals and also their track records. But sometimes organizations don’t have that liberty and time to do the hiring exercise as per the personal choices of leaders and then it is always better to approach a good Recruitment consulting firm which can understand the positions and deliver the results by arranging suitable candidates in matter of a few days.
Although the price to pay may be a bit high but considering other options it pays back if right people are in right places at the right time. Giving advertisements or having a captive HR talent acquisition team can be some other options but both have their own pros and cons. Advertisements may generate unwanted response and increase the work of sorting and answering queries without assurance of any firm results. Since talent acquisition may not be a perennial activity going all year long the captive team for talent acquisition may be a burden once major hiring is done and people are in place.
Further the hiring team may itself need a senior manager in order to have desired output and unless there is a career growth path for all the team members their motivation levels and output may not be good enough to meet professional standard.
Senior/Junior Staff & Blue Collars

Next comes the bulk hiring for positions which are sometimes huge in number. Sometimes people think that they just need working hands and that numbers matter more than quality when it comes to worker hiring. This is a completely wrong notion because every worker contributes to the quality and quantity of the project work and even one mis-hire can increase the work for others or create a bad name or repute for the organization. Those companies who are very particular in testing and interviewing the workers before hiring usually execute the project well on time and with better quality and great customer satisfaction. If the hiring of workers is left to supervisors and Engineers then the resultant team may not be up to the standards. The seniormost management must look into the methodology of hiring, how tests and interviews are conducted, whether workers are hired just based on recommendations or references, whether there is a chance of nepotism in workers hiring and other similar issues. One bad apple can destroy a full apple cart, similarly, one bad worker can be a cause of concern for the full project team.
Recruiting Project Manpower from India

In the above article we discussed the nitty-gritties and nuances of Project Manpower Recruitment from India. Manav Consultants is a overseas recruitment consulting company having its offices in India and working in the field of Project Manpower Recruitment in India for the past two decades. We look forward to work with prospective Employers globally to meet their manpower needs at all levels. We specialise in areas of Infrastructure, Oil & Gas, Healthcare, Hospitality and Manufacturing. You can find some information over here such as
Recruitment of Workers from India
Engineers Recruitment from India
Staff Recruitment from India
You can contact us here for more information.